Date:October 4-5, 2013
Competition Venue:
Competition: CalGames 2013 will be a replay of the FIRST™ Robotics Competition: Ultimate Ascent™ Registration:
Need info? Write!
Good with graphics? An artist at heart? Interested in designing a graphic for CalGames 2013? Team with video talent? We want to hear from you!
We are looking for designs building upon the FRC™ Ultimate Ascent™ game (NOT including any FIRST graphics, must be original), with WRRF’s logo part of the graphic as well as “CalGames 2013”. The final submission must arrive in both .EPS and .PNG formats with sufficient resolution for printing on banners and other large graphic printouts.
Design selected will become the property of WRRF and will be used for CalGames 2013 in collateral documents and marketing items. Designer must state that their design is original and not copied from other artist’s copyrighted material. Input from teams present & by survey is desired & valued. WRRF BOD will decide based on input & needs of event’s marketing & publicity purposes.
Winner will receive recognition and a free WRRF branded item with your design on it.
Please submit your design to by June 14.
Video Contest!! Submit a video for WRRF by July 31. Send to
WRRF is looking for a YouTube video to publicize CalGames and the WRRF community. Teams can use animation too. WRRF’s goal is to publicize team’s efforts, showcase students’ abilities, gain sponsors, and help the public learn about WRRF. Please submit to and do not place it yourself on YouTube. WRRF would like to review it first. See last year’s winner for an example:
Competition Date: October 4-5, 2013
Competition Venue: Fremont High School, Sunnyvale CA
Competition: CalGames 2013 — replay of FIRST™ Robotics Competition: Ultimate Ascent™
Every team needs to volunteer for a slot to confirm ANY registration regardless of TIER. (see FAQs at end for details on what “Every team needs to volunteer” means). CalGames 2013 will support up to 36 teams and has registration TIERS, similar to prior years. SEE NEW DATES!!!
Important point: If a team does not show up for their volunteer slot, two things will happen: (a) the $100 deposit will not be returned; and (b) the team will be suspended from participating at the following year CalGames.
The goal of the TIERED registration process is to encourage a commitment by teams for the hard-to-fill volunteer slots. In the event, WRRF receives the registration before the opening date of a particular tier; the date for those early registrations will be the opening date for that tier: A random lottery resolves any ties. CalGames has traditionally had more registrations than openings (and lotteries have occurred). Teams should consider applying for available Tier 1 and Tier 2 slots to ensure a successful registration for CalGames 2013.
These slots will be awarded on a “First Come, First Served.” Additional hard-to-fill volunteer slots might be identified as CalGames planning proceeds.
Tier 2 (~3 slots)
1. Awards
2. Two Rookie Teams, first come-first served: FIRST Rookie year past spring (or from a new team from the summer) who did not compete in CalGames 2013. (Need to pick a volunteer slot during event, not a hard-to-fill one).
1. First come, first served to register.
2. A lottery will determine any registrations with the same postmark date, if more are received beyond the number of open slots.
FYI: More teams sought to play in prior CalGames events than slots available; teams committing to a Tier 1 or Tier 2 slot can help a team confirm CalGames participation.
Postmark with payments must be 9/1 or earlier, otherwise the registered (but unpaid) team goes to the waiting list. Sending payment with registration is recommended, but not required.
To obtain the Microsoft Word registration form, go to to download the registration form. This form must be used for registration.
TWO Versions are attached. One more compatible with older versions of Word or Open Office (97-2003 version)
To register, please complete the form, attach to an email message, and send to To register without a check, mo need to send a paper copy via USPS. PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS!!!
Please DO send a printed copy of the registration form when sending in any check. Make check payable to WRRF and send to:
WRRF, 2530 Berryessa Road, #134, San Jose CA 95132-2903
If you have registration questions: send an email to You should receive an answer within two business days; in particular, replies are fastest on weekends.
Staying Informed: It is vital that contact information for your team is up-to-date: send an email to to confirm email addresses on file for your team! Inform everyone on your team about this event. Think about what you and your team can do to help.
Q: What does “every team has to volunteer” mean?
A: A team needs to provide eight or more students to meet the CalGames volunteer slot requirement and earn their deposit back. Two adult chaperones are required as well. Teams cannot leave their volunteer slot until released by the coordinator assigned to that time slot, or risk losing volunteer deposit and missing CalGames 2014.
CalGames needs volunteers, and many of them, to make CalGames successful. Many adults and teens volunteer their time over the summer to plan and prepare for CalGames; the team volunteer slot is not related to general support volunteering from within the teams and the community. Around the event itself, many more people are necessary. For several years, WRRF has required teams to volunteer, in fact, requiring teams to pay a deposit as motivation for teams to show up during their assigned and committed time.
Q: What if team mails registration before July 1 for a Tier 3 spot?
A: If received PRIOR to July 1, it will still be dated July 1, Midnight. If several are sent in early, they will all have identical date and time. A lottery is possible if more submissions are received than slots available.
Q: What if dates/postmarks are the same and not enough slots?
A: If Tier 3 registration fills the balance of those slots, then a lottery will ensue and others can go on a waiting list. CalGames 2013 will only have 36 slots.
Q: When does the $100 Volunteer Support Deposit fee get refunded?
A: The support deposit is refunded after team shows up for assigned volunteer spot and completes slot responsibilities.
Q: What happens if not enough teams sign up?
A: A cancellation of CalGames can occur if insufficient teams are registered and confirmed by September 1. In this unlikely event, any paid registration fees will be refunded.
Q: Will a liability waiver be required for each student, mentor, adult, parent, etc. from teams?
A: A WRRF liability waiver will need to be completed by every team member (students, adults, parents, coaches, mentors) attending, similar to that done for any FIRST competition. This form will be made available to teams a couple of weeks prior to the event.
Q: What is the $25 safety glasses donation for?
A: WRRF will provide safety glasses for the public as needed. To defray the cost, WRRF is recommending each team donate ten (10) new unused glasses to be used by visitors or alternatively make a $25 donation to cover the cost of more glasses for the public. This will help the public safely visit the pits!