CalGames 2024

Event Info

CalGames 2024 will be held from October 11-13, 2024 at Pittsburg High School, with Team 5430 (Pirate Robolution & Pittsburg High School) as host!

Overal, we are replicating the prior years’ (CG21-CG23) schedule:

  1. Two competition days (Saturday & Sunday) PLUS one evening of practices (Friday).
  2. Setup (Thursday evening + Friday daytime) + Competition (Friday evening, Saturday daytime, Sunday until mid-afternoon) + Teardown (Sunday)

Key Dates

[Updated July 14, 2024] See Registration tab for current registration status.

  • May 17: Registration details announced
  • May 20, 12:01:00AM: Event Team Registration begins for early registration teams. Registrations received before that will all be treated as having the same time & date. The slots will be similar to prior years.
  • July 1: logo submissions due (see Logo Contest details here)
  • August 1, 12:01:00AM: Open Registration begins for teams.
  • August 22: 2nd Robot Registration opens. Registrations received before that will all be treated as having the same time & date.
  • Payment due date: September 15 (end of day; postmarked on/by 9/15). Teams that only get off the waitlist around that time may be granted an extension. Zelle is preferred over check.
  • TBD: Possible optional Q&A meeting for participating teams (not planned yet). Link will be sent to contacts for registered teams.
  • TBD: final changes to registration details: robot name, sponsors, important info.

If you have any questions, contact us at:

Thank you to all who submitted entries! The selection process is now underway.

Original Contest Guidelines

The CalGames 2023 Logo Contest, a tradition for 10+ years at WRRF, has closed.
Submissions were due to by Monday, July 1.
These guidelines are for reference purposes only.

Your challenge is to design an original, compelling event logo which also:

  • is not FIRST-derived (i.e., no FIRST logo, no FIRST 2024 game logos)
    • This means NO use of this year’s official game logos or other graphics. It is critical the CG24 logo be your creation completely with no borrowed art EXCEPT for WRRF logo.
  • incorporates the the WRRF logo (PNG)WRRF Logo (SVG)
  • has the text “CalGames 2024” (CalGames as one word)
  • utilizes the WRRF colors (Purple #560F6B, Gold #F0AF00, Green #006549) where appropriate

The rest is up to you! The designer of the winning submission (selected by the WRRF Board) will receive public recognition and a free WRRF-branded item (<$75) sporting the winning logo.

Make sure to preview your logo at different sizes to ensure that it can scale up and down without key details being lost, keeping in mind it will be printed on a variety of materials of different sizes, including buttons, programs, shirts, and banners.

Please submit your final graphic alongside a written statement asserting that your design is indeed original, and your name & team number (if appropriate) so we can properly credit you if you win. Submissions should be sent as an SVG file (we also recommend providing a PNG as reference for what the submission is supposed to look like in case the SVG does not render correctly on our end, though the SVG is what will be used for final printing)

By submitting an entry, you grant WRRF permission to use your graphic, if selected, for any and all CalGames 2024 marketing and promotional purposes, and acknowledge that we may make minor edits to the selected logo without consulting you to ensure readability before sending it off for printing.

If you have any questions, please reach out to and we will do our best to answer them.

Registration is open now!

Registration occurs in two tiers, early and open registration. Registrations received prior to the opening of a tier will be treated as if they had been received at the exact opening date and time for that tier.

  • Early Registration begins May 20, and costs $300 per team, plus commitment to a volunteer slot (6+ students, 1+ adults – see below for list).
    Not fulfilling this commitment with no notification will disqualify the team from competing in CalGames 2025.
  • Open Registration begins on August 1 and costs $400 per team with no commitment to a volunteer slot.
  • 2nd Robot Registration will open August 22 and costs $400 per team with no commitment to a volunteer slot.

Teams are strongly encouraged to step up to help out as much as they can!

Payment must be made by September 15, 2024. Zelle payments (preferred) or check are acceptable methods of payment. Write with any questions.

Current Registration Status

(Last updated July 14, 2024)

We have 15 teams registered so far, with a few Early Registration team slots open. Several of these are critical to the success of CalGames 2024.

Help the community and competing teams – and save $100! – by volunteering for these 8+ remaining slots:

  • THREE SLOTS: Thursday, 10/10, ~6PM – 8pm to unload the PODs and begin setup of the field (Masonite, carpet, field).
  • TWO SLOTS: Friday, 10/11 9am-12pm (1) and 10am-1pm (1)
  • TWO SLOTS: Sunday, 10/13, at end of event. Loading the PODs. ~4:30 – 6:30pm (2)
  • We also have ROOKIE slots available.

Complete List of Early Registration Volunteer Slots (<= 22 slots):

  • Rookie team (2024 rookie) up to FOUR teams
  • CalGames 2023 Host (#100 only)
  • CalGames 2022 & 2024 Host (#5430 only)
  • Inventory – Summer Saturday TBD (TWO teams)
  • Buttons (make drive & event buttons)
  • TH evening Setup (Flooring) ~6-8:30 (THREE teams)
  • FRI AM Setup (Build field, pit) 9AM-12PM   (ONE team)
  • FRI AM Setup (Build field, pit) 10AM-1PM   (TWO teams)
  • FRI PM Setup (More setup) 12PM – 3PM   (TWO teams)
  • Sun PM Field Cleanup ~4PM – 6PM   (TWO teams)
  • Sun PM Pit Cleanup ~4PM – 6PM   (ONE teams)
  • Sun PM PODs Pack ~5PM7PM   (TWO teams)

Come Volunteer at CalGames 2024!

Individual Volunteer Registration has opened for the event, so if you’d like to join our ensemble, please visit this form to submit your interest!

We are trying out a new format that we hope will simplify the volunteer registration process, so note the following:

  • There are still different sections for adults and youth; once you fill out the form accordingly, you’ll be directed to the appropriate section. 
  • The date options listed to indicate your availability are full day shifts, but please let us know of any specific timeframes that you have by noting them on the form. 
  • We’d love for our volunteers to try out new roles, so you are welcome to sign up for anything and everything that you are interested in (especially in a shadow/trainee capacity). 

There are roles available for all ranges of experience, so please share this within your circles and encourage your friends and family to join in on the fun. CalGames couldn’t be a successful event for its participants without the help of all our volunteers, so the more, the merrier!  

Please note that individuals volunteering for an event role does not fulfill the team volunteer requirement for event staffing.

We hope you’ll sign up to “rock on” with us – please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Renee, at if you have any questions or for help with anything regarding volunteering. 🙂