CalGames 2017

Current Registration Status

36 Teams registered!

Download Registration Announcement PDF:

Announcing Registration for CalGames 2017

Both a .docx and .doc Word file is attached for registration.  The .docx is preferred,  but for those using Open Office the .doc might work better.  Please do not send a .PDF of your form. Write with any questions.

CalGames Registration 2017 FORM

CalGames Registration 2017 FORM

Announcing Registration for CalGames 2017!

Competition Date:   October 14-15 2017

Competition Venue: Evergreen High School, San Jose CA

Competition:           CalGames 2017 — replay of FIRST™ Robotics Competition: FIRST STEAMWORKSSM
Registration:           $500 Registration 
                                $100 Volunteer Deposit (returned after completing team volunteer assignment)
                                $500 Registration Fee + $100 Volunteer Support Deposit = $600 due by September 15

Registration Policy for CalGames 2017

1)      Registration cost is the same as last year; storage costs are lower, but the cost of the game this year has a lot of unknowns. We are actively seeking corporate sponsors to defray event and ongoing costs. If you have ideas or leads for WRRF to pursue, send an email to
If we obtain sponsors, we hope to refund some portion of the registration as we have in earlier years.

2)      Two registration tiers, same as last year.

3)      Sending in a team registration before tier opening date/time is a good thing: it lines the team up for that tier.

Every team needs to volunteer for a slot to confirm ANY registration regardless of TIER. (see FAQs at end for details on what “Every team needs to volunteer” means). CalGames 2017 will support up to 36 teams and has two registration TIERS, similar to prior years.

IMPORTANT POINT: If a team does not show up for their volunteer slot, two things will happen: (a) the $100 deposit will not be returned; and (b) the team will be suspended from participating at the following year CalGames.

The goal of the TIERED registration process is to encourage a commitment by teams for harder-to-fill volunteer slots. Tiers this year are (1) early registration and (2) open registration.

PLEASE READ THIS: If WRRF registration receives an emailed registration form before the opening date of either tier (which is ok to do); the date for those early emails will be the opening date/time for that tier (e.g., 12:01AM 6/18 or 7/8). (See FAQs at end for examples if this idea is not clear). A random lottery resolves any ties. CalGames traditionally has had more registrations than openings (and lotteries occurred last four plus years). Teams should consider applying for early registration slots to ensure a successful registration for CalGames 2017.


Postmark with payment must be 9/15 or earlier, otherwise the registered (but unpaid) team goes to the waiting list. Sending payment soon after receiving accepted registration is recommended, but notrequired.

Artwork by: Lara Fernandes, Team 1967

The CalGames 2017 logo design contest for this year’s event is now open! Submissions due SUNDAY 7/9

We need your help to design an interesting and connected event logo, a tradition for over ten years here at WRRF.

Your challenge will be to design an original, non-FIRST-derived graphic representing STEAMWORKS (SM), incorporating the WRRF logo, and the text “CalGames 2017” (single word, not “Cal Games”). Besides that, the rest of the design is up to you! We’re particularly looking for ideas new and different from the logos we’ve had in the past. Please use the WRRF colors (see attached) where appropriate.

The winner receives public recognition and a free WRRF-branded item (< $75) sporting your design!

  • As this will be printed on a variety of material, please send us a high-quality image file – vector (EPS, SVG) if possible, otherwise a high-resolution graphic. There are plenty of suggestions online as to print-friendly resolutions and DPIs, depending on your design.  This link provided some good information about this concept:
  • By sending in a logo for consideration, you grant WRRF permission to use your graphic (if selected) for any and all CalGames 2017 marketing and promotional purposes. Please include a written statement in your email asserting that your design is indeed original.
  • The WRRF BOD will decide on the winning design.

Dear WRRF Community,

We appreciate your patience over the last few months as WRRF developed a host site for CalGames 2017.   We totally appreciate the many schools that put in a lot of effort to submit bids or even considered doing so. The WRRF BOD evaluated distances, costs, ability to support 36 teams effectively, and experience before making a selection.  Many schools are under construction and earlier efforts to solidify a site were affected by ongoing construction efforts at some schools.

The WRRF BOD selected Evergreen Valley High School in San Jose, 3300 Quimby Road, San Jose, CA 95148 with Team 2854, the Prototypes, as the FRC team host. We are all excited about working together to have another CalGames, our 12th event since the BOD reformed, and 14th since WRRF incorporated in August 2003.

The event will have a shifted schedule from prior years.   The event itself will be Saturday afternoon/evening (10/14) and all day Sunday (10/15).

We recognized that some schools will have difficulty with those dates and others, in particular the distant teams we hope, will find this schedule easier to support.  Either way, that is the schedule for this year.

Volunteer slots (2) will begin Friday evening (emptying the POD storage containers) and laying down Masonite and carpet at the school. We do not have a storage locker anymore, only a POD. So some of the early slots at “the storage locker” have disappeared from prior years.   Early Saturday morning (7AM), volunteer slots will begin to build the field, set up the pits, and ensure the field is ready for matches Saturday evening. Open registration slots will be similar to last year mostly on Saturday evening and all day Sunday. We will pack everything up into three PODs (two for FIRST CA and one for WRRF) on Sunday evening.