Individual Volunteer Registration has opened for the event, so if you’d like to join our ensemble, please visit this form to submit your interest! We still need volunteers to make the event a successful experience for all.
Prior experience is not needed for the vast majority of roles; sign up and try something new! Role preferences are considered on a first-come, first-served basis, so make sure to sign up early if there is a specific role you want to do or try.
We are trying out a new format that we hope will simplify the volunteer registration process, so note the following:
There are roles available for all ranges of experience, so please share this within your circles and encourage your friends and family to join in on the fun. CalGames couldn’t be a successful event for its participants without the help of all our volunteers, so the more, the merrier!
Please note that individuals volunteering for an event role does not fulfill the team volunteer requirement for event staffing.
We hope you’ll sign up to “rock on” with us – please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Renee, at if you have any questions or for help with anything regarding volunteering. 🙂
If you would like to share a volunteer recruitment message, please feel free to circulate this flyer within your networks: